
Finally Family Homes is a nonprofit 501c3 organization dedicated to helping foster kids who are aging out of the system. When children placed in foster care reach the maximum age that a State will support them (18 - 21) without being reunited with their family or placed in a permanent adoptive home, it's called aging out.   Kids who age out are often kicked out of their foster homes the day they turn 18 without any resources.  20 percent will become instantly homeless.  Most have no supportive adult to help them navigate the challenges of independent living.   This article  really helps highlight the need for social-emotional support as these kids pursue college.  Every year about 4,000 youth age out of care in California. ​Founders Eric & Christina Dronen have a heart for the foster youth aging out, especially in Los Angeles, where the situation is arguably the worst in the country in terms of numbers of youth aging out with a family or home. For more information,
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